CEP 810 Reflection


CEP 810 has opened my mind to many different technologies over the past 7 weeks. I have not only learned about how to use and implement them, but I have learned about professional practices that correlate with technologies in education. One of my goals as an educator is to be reflective, and the creation of this word press blog has allowed me to be just that. Each week I was granted the time to reflect on my learning and understanding of diverse topics in education.

Partaking in self-taught, online learning for my Network Learning Project opened my eyes to the learning possibilities that are out there for my students and myself. Jenkin’s New Media Literacies of play, performance, simulation, appropriation, transmedia navigation, networking and negotiation allowed me to successfully perform a muscle up in the gym.


Utilizing Popplet has allowed me to examine my professional learning network (PLN), finding strengths and weaknesses. One way my professional practice will change is through the use of my PLN. I have come to recognize the multitude of resources that the internet has to offer and how these resources can help to shape my teaching and the education of my students. This class has definitely expanded my technology use to include twitter and blogging. One of my goals is to continue expanding my PLN through the use of twitter. I have learned how to tweet and how to follow people, but I know that twitter has so much more to offer. I want to use this resource as a way to connect with others and to grow in my learning and understanding. I would love to have a twitter for my students to use as a platform to connect with one another, sharing ideas, questions, comments and concerns about their assignments, education and daily life.

Professional Learning Network

Cooking with TPACK has allowed me to understand the relationship between technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge. I had first hand experience with what it is like to have to repurpose a given tool to meet the task at hand. This activity has allowed me to better understand how I can repurpose technologies in the classroom to ensure that I am meeting the content and pedagogy that is intended. The intersection of these three ideas is where the heart of good teaching lies. It is here where we will be able to best meet the needs of the diverse, 21st century learners in our classrooms (Kereluik, Mishra, & Koehler, 2011).


Image retrieved from http://matt-koehler.com/tpack2/tpack-explained/

I am excited to see how my teaching is shaped by technology as I continue to explore new ways use it. The power of communication, collaboration and reflection is something that will benefit myself as an educator and my students as learners. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from my professors and colleagues in CEP 810. While this course was only 7 weeks, the ideas and practices I have learned will last a lifetime. This course has opened up the way for growth and learning.  


Jenkins, H. (2013). Create Circulate Connect Collaborate. New Media Literacies. Retrieved from http://www.newmedialiteracies.org/

Kereluik, K., Mishra, P. & Koehler, M.J. (2011). On learning to subvert signs: Literacy, technology and the TPACK framework. The California Reader, 44(2), 12-18. download .pdf

Popplet (2013). Retrieved from http://popplet.com/

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