My Final Progressions

The goal I set for myself for this Network Learning Project was to complete one assisted muscle up. I set this challenge for myself after accomplishing a previous goal of doing a pull up without assistance (resistance bands). The video below demonstrates my learning process throughout the past five weeks. You will learn about many of the tools I used to accomplish this task. The use of YouTube videos, help forums, resistance bands and chalk helped me to successfully accomplish this task.

Learning through the use of Youtube Videos and help forums was a new experience for me. I adapted my typical studying behaviors to accommodate this new style of learning. To begin this process I began with searching YouTube using keywords like “assisted muscle up”, “muscle ups for beginners”, and “steps for a muscle up”. After watching many videos I realized that I needed to filter my results to match the equipment that I would be using in my gym (see blog #2 to learn more about this). After finding these videos I watched them at home and tried to visualize the movements. I then took the videos with me to the gym and utilized Jenkin’s ideas of performance and simulation to practice the movements in the videos. Finding gaps in my progress, I turned to help forums to find tips and tricks. I found Crossfit’s Mastering the bar Muscle up Video that discussed the positioning of your body throughout each movement. Practicing these basic movements first helped me to get a sense of what my body should feel like during the muscle up.



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Jenkin’s ideas of Visualization, Networking, and Transmedia Navigation helped me to successfully navigate this new style of online learning. Visualization helped me to translate what I saw in the videos to actual movements within my muscle up. Networking allowed me to locate the most credible and beneficial videos to utilize for my learning. Through Transmedia Navigation I was able to connected the ideas from all sources to create a cohesive understanding of the movements to successfully complete a muscle up.

This style of learning is definitely one that I intend to keep in my repertoire. Growing up and teaching in the 21st has allotted me to be surrounded by technology. Utilizing this style of learning is easy because I am constantly surrounded by useful online tools to aid in my learning and understanding. I would most definitely introduce this approach to my students and allow them the opportunity to utilize it. My students are constantly using technology. Showing them this new style of learning may give them more initiative to go out and expand their learning with the constant technology in their lives.

Please see my beginning and mid-goal blogs to learn about the progression of my muscle up.



Jenkins, H. (2013). Create Circulate Connect Collaborate. New Media Literacies. Retrieved from


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